P2P-DIET: Ad-hoc and Continuous Queries in Peer-to-Peer Networks Using Mobile Agents


S. Idreos and M. Koubarakis, “P2P-DIET: Ad-hoc and Continuous Queries in Peer-to-Peer Networks Using Mobile Agents,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic Conference in Artificial Intelligence (SETN), Samos, Greece, 2004, pp. 23-32.
SETN2004.pdf204 KB


This paper presents P2P-DIET, a resource sharing system that unifies ad-hoc and continuous query processing in super-peer networks using mobile agents. P2P-DIET offers a simple data model for the description of network resources based on attributes with values of type text. It also utilizes very efficient query processing algorithms based on indexing of resource metadata and queries. The capability of location-independent addressing is supported, which enables P2P-DIET clients to connect from anywhere in the network and use dynamic IP addresses. The features of stored notifications and rendezvous guarantee that all important information is delivered to interested clients even if they have been disconnected for some time. P2P-DIET has been developed on top of the Open Source mobile agent system DIET Agents and is currently been demonstrated as a file sharing application.

Last updated on 12/22/2013