Publications by Author: Stratos Idreos

S. Chatterjee, M. Jagadeesan, W. Qin, and S. Idreos, “Cosine: A Cloud-Cost Optimized Self-Designing Key-Value Storage Engine,” in Proceedings of the Very Large Databases Endowment (PVLDB), 2022.Abstract

We present a self-designing key-value storage engine, Cosine, which can always take the shape of the close to “perfect” engine architec- ture given an input workload, a cloud budget, a target performance, and required cloud SLAs. By identifying and formalizing the first principles of storage engine layouts and core key-value algorithms, Cosine constructs a massive design space comprising of sextillion (10^36) possible storage engine designs over a diverse space of hardware and cloud pricing policies for three cloud providers – AWS, GCP, and Azure. Cosine spans across diverse designs such as Log-Structured Merge-trees, B-trees, Log-Structured Hash-tables, in-memory accelerators for filters and indexes as well as trillions of hybrid designs that do not appear in the literature or industry but emerge as valid combinations of the above. Cosine includes a unified distribution-aware I/O model and a learned concurrency-aware CPU model that with high accuracy can calculate the performance and cloud cost of any possible design on any workload and virtual machines. Cosine can then search through that space in a matter of seconds to find the best design and materializes the actual code of the resulting storage engine design using a templated Rust imple- mentation. We demonstrate that on average Cosine outperforms state-of-the-art storage engines such as write-optimized RocksDB, read-optimized WiredTiger, and very write-optimized FASTER by 53x, 25x, and 20x, respectively, for diverse workloads, data sizes, and cloud budgets across all YCSB core workloads and many variants.

B. Hentschel, U. Sirin, and S. Idreos, “Entropy-Learned Hashing Constant Time Hashing with Controllable Uniformity,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2022.Abstract

Hashing is a widely used technique for creating uniformly random numbers from arbitrary input data. It is a core component in relational data systems, key-value stores, compilers, networks and many more areas used for a wide range of operations including indexing, partitioning, filters, and sketches. Due to both the computational and data heavy nature of hashing in such operations, numerous recent studies observe that hashing emerges as a core bottleneck in modern systems. For example, a typical complex database query (TPC-H) could spend 50% of its total cost in hash tables, while Google spends at least 2% of its total computational cost across all systems on C++ hash tables, resulting in a massive yearly footprint coming from just a single operation.

In this paper we propose a new method, called Entropy-Learned Hashing, which reduces the computational cost of hashing by up to an order of magnitude. The key question we ask is “how much randomness is needed?”: We look at hashing from a pseudorandom point of view, wherein hashing is viewed as extracting randomness from a data source to create random outputs and we show that state-of-the-art hash functions do too much work. Entropy-Learned Hashing 1) models and estimates the randomness (entropy) of the input data, and then 2) creates data-specific hash functions that use only the parts of the data that are needed to differentiate the outputs. Thus the resulting hash functions can minimize the amount of computation needed while we prove that they act similarly to traditional hash functions in terms of the uniformity of their outputs. We test Entropy-Learned Hashing across diverse and core hashing operations such as hash tables, Bloom filters, and partitioning and we observe an increase in throughput in the order of 3.7X, 4.0X, and 14X respectively compared to the best in-class hash functions and implementations used at scale by Google and Meta.

A. Wasay and S. Idreos, “More or Less: When and How to Build Convolutional Neural Network Ensembles,” in International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2021.Abstract
Convolutional neural networks are utilized to solve increasingly more complex problems and with more data. As a  result, researchers and practitioners seek to scale the representational power of such models by adding more parameters. 
However, increasing parameters requires additional critical resources in terms of memory and compute,  leading to increased training and inference cost. Thus a consistent challenge is to obtain as high as possible accuracy within a parameter budget. As neural network designers navigate this complex landscape, they are guided by conventional wisdom that is informed from past empirical studies. We identify a critical part of this design space that is not well-understood: How to decide between the alternatives of expanding a single convolutional network model or increasing the number of networks in the form of an ensemble. We study this question in detail across various network architectures and data sets. We build an extensive experimental framework that captures numerous angles of the possible design space in terms of how a new set of parameters can be used in a model.  We consider a holistic set of metrics such as training time, inference time, and memory usage. The framework provides a robust assessment by making sure it controls for the number of parameters. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that when we perform a holistic and robust assessment, we uncover a wide design space, where ensembles provide better accuracy, train faster, and deploy at speed comparable to single convolutional networks with the same total number of parameters. 
K. Deeds, B. Hentschel, and S. Idreos, “Stacked Filters: Learning to Filter by Structure,” Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 600 - 612, 2021.Abstract
We present Stacked Filters, a new probabilistic filter which is fast and robust similar to query-agnostic filters (such as Bloom and Cuckoo filters), and at the same time brings low false positive rates and sizes similar to classifier-based filters (such as Learned Filters). The core idea is that Stacked Filters incorporate workload knowledge about frequently queried non-existing values. Instead of learning, they structurally incorporate that knowledge using hashing and several sequenced filter layers, indexing both data and frequent negatives. Stacked Filters can also gather workload knowledge on-the-fly and adaptively build the filter. We show experimentally that for a given memory budget, Stacked Filters achieve end-to-end query throughput up to 130x better than the best alternative for a workload, either query-agnostic or classifier-based filters, and depending on where data is (SSD or HDD).
S. Luo, S. Chatterjee, R. Ketsetsidis, N. Dayan, W. Qin, and S. Idreos, “Rosetta: A Robust Space-Time Optimized Range Filter for Key-Value Stores,” in In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2020.Abstract

We introduce Rosetta, a probabilistic range filter designed specifically for LSM-tree based key-value stores. The core intuition is that we can sacrifice filter probe time because it is not visible in end-to-end key-value store performance, which in turn allows us to significantly reduce the filter false positive rate for every level of the tree.

Rosetta indexes all binary prefixes of a key using a hierarchically arranged set of Bloom filters. It then converts each range query into multiple probes, one for each non- overlapping binary prefix. Rosetta has the ability to track workload patterns and adopt a beneficial tuning for each individual LSM-tree run by adjusting the number of Bloom filters it uses and how memory is spread among them to optimize the FPR/CPU cost balance.

We show how to integrate Rosetta in a full system, RocksDB, and we demonstrate that it brings as much as a 40x improvement compared to default RocksDB and 2-5x improvement compared to state-of-the-art range filters in a variety of workloads and across different levels of the memory hierarchy (memory, SSD, hard disk). We also show that, unlike state-of-the-art filters, Rosetta brings a net benefit in RocksDB’s overall performance, i.e., it improves range queries without losing any performance for point queries.

S. Idreos and M. Callaghan, “Key-Value Storage Engines,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2020.Abstract

Key-value stores are everywhere. They power a diverse set of data-driven applications across both industry and science. Key-value stores are used as stand-alone NoSQL systems but they are also used as a part of more complex pipelines and systems such as machine learning and relational systems. In this tutorial, we survey the state-of-the-art approaches on how the core storage engine of a key-value store system is designed. We focus on several critical components of the engine, starting with the core data structures to lay out data across the memory hierarchy. We also discuss design issues related to caching, timestamps, concurrency control, updates, shifting workloads, as well as mixed workloads with both analytical and transactional characteristics. We cover designs that are read-optimized, write-optimized as well as hybrids. We draw examples from several state-of-the-art systems but we also put everything together in a general framework which allows us to model storage engine designs under a single unified model and reason about the expected behavior of diverse designs. In addition, we show that given the vast number of possible storage engine designs and their complexity, there is a need to be able to describe and communicate design decisions at a high level descriptive language and we present a first version of such a language. We then use that framework to present several open challenges in the field especially in terms of supporting increasingly more diverse and dynamic applications in the era of data science and AI, including neural networks, graphs, and data versioning.

A. Wasay, B. Hentschel, Y. Liao, S. Chen, and S. Idreos, “MOTHERNETS: RAPID DEEP ENSEMBLE LEARNING,” in Proceedings of the Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys), 2020.Abstract
Ensembles of deep neural networks significantly improve generalization accuracy. However, training neural network ensembles requires a large amount of computational resources and time. State-of-the-art approaches either train all networks from scratch leading to prohibitive training cost that allows only very small ensemble sizes in practice, or generate ensembles by training a monolithic architecture, which results in lower model diversity and decreased prediction accuracy. We propose MotherNets to enable higher accuracy and practical training cost for large and diverse neural network ensembles: A MotherNet captures the structural similarity across some or all members of a deep neural network ensemble which allows us to share data movement and computation costs across these networks. We first train a single or a small set of MotherNets and, subsequently, we generate the target ensemble networks by transferring the function from the trained MotherNet(s). Then, we continue to train these ensemble networks, which now converge drastically faster compared to training from scratch. MotherNets handle ensembles with diverse architectures by clustering ensemble networks of similar architecture and training a separate MotherNet for every cluster. MotherNets also use clustering to control the accuracy vs. training cost tradeoff. We show that compared to state-of-the-art approaches such as Snapshot Ensembles, Knowledge Distillation, and TreeNets, MotherNets provide a new Pareto frontier for the accuracy-training cost tradeoff. Crucially, training cost and accuracy improvements continue to scale as we increase the ensemble size (2 to 3 percent reduced absolute test error rate and up to 35 percent faster training compared to Snapshot Ensembles). We verify these benefits over numerous neural network architectures and large data sets.
M. Athanassoulis, K. S. Bøgh, and S. Idreos, “Optimal Column Layout for Hybrid Workloads,” Proceedings of the Very Large Databases Endowment, vol. 12, no. 13, 2019.Abstract

Data-intensive analytical applications need to support both efficient reads and writes. However, what is usually a good data layout for an update-heavy workload, is not well-suited for a read-mostly one and vice versa. Modern analytical data systems rely on columnar layouts and employ delta stores to inject new data and updates.

We show that for hybrid workloads we can achieve close to one order of magnitude better performance by tailoring the column layout design to the data and query workload. Our approach navigates the possible design space of the physical layout: it organizes each column’s data by determining the number of partitions, their corresponding sizes and ranges, and the amount of buffer space and how it is allocated. We frame these design decisions as an optimization problem that, given workload knowledge and performance requirements, provides an optimal physical layout for the workload at hand. To evaluate this work, we build an in-memory storage engine, Casper, and we show that it outperforms state-of-the-art data layouts of analytical systems for hybrid workloads. Casper deliv- ers up to 2.32× higher throughput for update-intensive workloads and up to 2.14× higher throughput for hybrid workloads. We further show how to make data layout decisions robust to workload variation by carefully selecting the input of the optimization.

S. Idreos, et al., “Learning Data Structure Alchemy,” Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 46-57, 2019.Abstract

We propose a solution based on first principles and AI to the decades-old problem of data structure design. Instead of working on individual designs that each can only be helpful in a small set of environments, we propose the construction of an engine, a Data Alchemist, which learns how to blend fine-grained data structure design principles to automatically synthesize brand new data structures.

N. Dayan and S. Idreos, “The Log-Structured Merge-Bush & the Wacky Continuum,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2019.Abstract

Data-intensive key-value stores based on the Log-Structured Merge-Tree are used in numerous modern applications ranging from social media and data science to cloud infrastructure. We show that such designs exhibit an intrinsic contention be- tween the costs of point reads, writes and memory, and that this trade-off deteriorates as the data size grows. The root of the problem is that in all existing designs, the capacity ratio between any pair of levels is fixed. This causes write cost to increase with the data size while yielding exponentially diminishing returns for point reads and memory.

We introduce the Log-Structured Merge-Bush (LSM-Bush), a new data structure that sets increasing capacity ratios between adjacent pairs of smaller levels. As a result, smaller levels get lazier by gathering more runs before merging them. By using a doubly-exponential ratio growth rate, LSM-bush brings write cost down from O(log N ) to O(log log N ), and it can trade this gain to either improve point reads or memory. Thus, it enables more scalable trade-offs all around.

We further introduce Wacky, a design continuum that includes LSM-Bush as well as all state-of-the-art merge policies, from laziest to greediest, and can assume any of them within a single implementation. Wacky encompasses a vast space of performance properties, including ones that favor range reads, and it can be searched analytically to find the design that performs best for a given workload in practice.

S. Idreos and T. Kraska, “From Auto-tuning One Size Fits All to Self-designed and Learned Data-intensive Systems,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2019.Abstract

We survey new opportunities to design data systems, data structures and algorithms that can adapt to both data and query workloads. Data keeps growing, hardware keeps changing and new applications appear ever more frequently. One size does not fit all, but data-intensive applications would like to balance and control memory requirements, read costs, write costs, as well as monetary costs on the cloud. This calls for tailored data systems, storage, and computation solutions that match the exact requirements of the scenario at hand. Such systems should be ``synthesized'' quickly and nearly automatically, removing the human system designers and administrators from the loop as much as possible to keep up with the quick evolution of applications and workloads. In addition, such systems should ``learn'' from both past and current system performance and workload patterns to keep adapting their design. 

We survey new trends in 1) self-designed, and 2) learned data systems and how these technologies can apply to relational, NoSQL, and big data systems as well as to broad data science applications. We focus on both recent research advances and practical applications of this technology, as well as numerous open research opportunities that come from their fusion. We specifically highlight recent work on data structures, algorithms, and query optimization, and how machine learning inspired designs as well as a detailed mapping of the possible design space of solutions can drive innovation to create tailored systems. We also position and connect with past seminal system designs and research in auto-tuning, modular/extensible, and adaptive data systems to highlight the new challenges as well as the opportunities to combine past and new technologies. 

S. Idreos, et al., “Design Continuums and the Path Toward Self-Designing Key-Value Stores that Know and Learn,” in Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2019.Abstract

We introduce the concept of design continuums for the data layout of key-value stores. A design continuum unifies major distinct data structure designs under the same model. The critical insight and potential long-term impact is that such unifying models 1)~render what we consider up to now as fundamentally different data structures to be seen as ``views'' of the very same overall design space, and 2)~allow ``seeing'' new data structure designs with performance properties that are not feasible by existing designs. The core intuition behind the construction of design continuums is that all data structures arise from the very same set of fundamental design principles, i.e., a small set of data layout design concepts out of which we can synthesize any design that exists in the literature as well as new ones. We show how to construct, evaluate, and expand, design continuums and we also present the first continuum that unifies major data structure designs, i.e., B+Tree, BeTree, LSM-tree, and LSH-Table.

The practical benefit of a design continuum is that it creates a fast inference engine for the design of data structures. For example, we can near instantly predict how a specific design change in the underlying storage of a data system would affect performance, or reversely what would be the optimal data structure (from a given set of designs) given workload characteristics and a memory budget. In turn, these properties allow us to envision a new class of self-designing key-value stores with a substantially improved ability to adapt to workload and hardware changes by transitioning between drastically different data structure designs to assume a diverse set of performance properties at will. 

N. Dayan, M. Athanassoulis, and S. Idreos, “Optimal Bloom Filters and Adaptive Merging for LSM-Trees,” ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 2018.Abstract

In this paper, we show that key-value stores backed by a log-structured merge-tree (LSM-tree) exhibit an intrinsic trade-off between lookup cost, update cost, and main memory footprint, yet all existing designs expose a suboptimal and difficult to tune trade-off among these metrics. We pinpoint the problem to the fact that modern key-value stores suboptimally co-tune the merge policy, the buffer size, and the Bloom filters’ false positive rates across the LSM-tree’s different levels.

We present Monkey, an LSM-tree based key-value store that strikes the optimal balance between the costs of updates and lookups with any given main memory budget. The core insight is that worst-case lookup cost is proportional to the sum of the false positive rates of the Bloom filters across all levels of the LSM-tree. Contrary to state-of-the-art key-value stores that assign a fixed number of bits-per-element to all Bloom filters, Monkey allocates memory to filters across different levels so as to minimize the sum of their false positive rates. We show analytically that Monkey reduces the asymptotic complexity of the worst-case lookup I/O cost, and we verify empirically using an implementation on top of RocksDB that Monkey reduces lookup latency by an increasing margin as the data volume grows (50% − 80% for the data sizes we experimented with). Furthermore, we map the design space onto a closed-form model that enables adapting the merging frequency and memory allocation to strike the best trade-off among lookup cost, update cost and main memory, depending on the workload (proportion of lookups and updates), the dataset (number and size of entries), and the underlying hardware (main memory available, disk vs. flash). We show how to use this model to answer what-if design questions about how changes in environmental parameters impact performance and how to adapt the design of the key-value store for optimal performance.

S. Idreos, et al., “The Periodic Table of Data Structures,” Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 64-75, 2018.Abstract
We describe the vision of being able to reason about the design space of data structures. 
We break this down into two questions: 1) Can we know all data structures that is possible to design?  2) Can we compute the performance of arbitrary designs on a given hardware and workload without having to implement the design or even access the target hardware?
If those challenges are possible, then an array of exciting opportunities would become feasible such as interactive what-if design to improve the productivity of data systems researchers and engineers, and informed decision making in industrial settings with regards to critical ardware/workload/data structure design issues. Then, even fully automated discovery of new data structure designs becomes possible. Furthermore, the structure of the design space itself provides numerous insights and opportunities such as the existence of design continuums that can lead to data systems with deep adaptivity, and a new understanding of the possible performance trade-offs. Given the universal presence of data structures at the very core of any data-driven field across all sciences and industries, reasoning about their design can have significant benefits, making it more feasible (easier, faster and cheaper) to adopt tailored state-of-the-art storage solutions. And this effect is going to become increasingly more critical as data keeps growing, hardware keeps changing and more applications/fields realize the transformative power and potential of data analytics.  
This paper presents this vision and surveys first steps that demonstrate its feasibility. 
R. Borovica, S. Idreos, A. Ailamaki, M. Zukowski, and C. Fraser, “Smooth Scan: Robust Access Path Selection without Cardinality Estimation,” The International Journal on Very Large Databases (VLDBJ), 2018.Abstract

Query optimizers depend heavily on statistics representing column distributions to create good query plans. In many cases, though, statistics are outdated or non-existent, and the process of refreshing statistics is very expensive, especially for ad-hoc work- loads on ever bigger data. This results in suboptimal plans that severely hurt performance. The core of the problem is the fixed decision on the type of physical operators that comprise a query plan.

This paper makes a case for continuous adaptation and morphing of physical operators throughout their lifetime, by adjusting their behavior in accordance with the observed statistical properties of the data at run- time. We demonstrate the benefits of the new paradigm by designing and implementing an adaptive access path operator called Smooth Scan, which morphs continuously within the space of index access and full table scan. Smooth Scan behaves similarly to an index scan for low selectivity; if selectivity increases, however, Smooth Scan progressively morphs its behavior toward a sequential scan. As a result, a system with Smooth Scan requires no optimization decisions on the access paths up front. Additionally, by depending only on the result distribution and eschewing statistics and cardinality estimates altogether, Smooth Scan ensures repeatable execution across multiple query invocations. Smooth Scan implemented in PostgreSQL demonstrates robust, near-optimal performance on micro-benchmarks and real-life workloads, while being statistics-oblivious at the same time.

N. Dayan and S. Idreos, “Dostoevsky: Better Space-Time Trade-Offs for LSM-Tree Based Key-Value Stores via Adaptive Removal of Superfluous Merging,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2018.Abstract

We show that all mainstream LSM-tree based key-value stores in the literature and in industry suboptimally trade between the I/O cost of updates on one hand and the I/O cost of lookups and storage space on the other. The reason is that they perform equally expensive merge operations across all levels of LSM-tree to bound the number of runs that a lookup has to probe and to remove obsolete entries to reclaim storage space. With state-of-the-art designs, however, merge operations from all levels of LSM-tree but the largest (i.e., most merge operations) reduce point lookup cost, long range lookup cost, and storage space by a negligible amount while significantly adding to the amortized cost of updates.

To address this problem, we introduce Lazy Leveling, a new design that removes merge operations from all levels of LSM-tree but the largest. Lazy Leveling improves the worst-case complexity of update cost while maintaining the same bounds on point lookup cost, long range lookup cost, and storage space. We further introduce Fluid LSM-tree, a generalization of the entire LSM-tree design space that can be parameterized to assume any existing design. Relative to Lazy Leveling, Fluid LSM-tree can optimize more for updates by merging less at the largest level, or it can optimize more for short range lookups by merging more at all other levels.

We put everything together to design Dostoevsky, a key-value store that adaptively removes superfluous merging by navigating the Fluid LSM-tree design space based on the application workload and hardware. We implemented Dostoevsky on top of RocksDB, and we show that it strictly dominates state-of-the-art designs in terms of performance and storage space.

B. Hentschel, M. S. Kester, and S. Idreos, “Column Sketches: A Scan Accelerator for Rapid and Robust Predicate Evaluation,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2018.Abstract

While numerous indexing and storage schemes have been developed to address the core functionality of predicate evaluation in data systems, they all require specific workload properties (query selectivity, data distribution, data clustering) to provide good performance and fail in other cases. We present a new class of indexing scheme, termed a Column Sketch, which improves the performance of predicate evaluation independently of workload properties. Column Sketches work primarily through the use of lossy compression schemes which are designed so that the index ingests data quickly, evaluates any query performantly, and has small memory footprint. A Column Sketch works by applying this lossy compression on a value-by-value basis, mapping base data to a representation of smaller fixed width codes. Queries are evaluated affirmatively or negatively for the vast majority of values using the compressed data, and only if needed check the base data for the remaining values. Column Sketches work over column, row, and hybrid storage layouts.

We demonstrate that by using a Column Sketch, the select operator in modern analytic systems attains better CPU efficiency and less data movement than state-of-the-art storage and indexing schemes. Compared to standard scans, Column Sketches provide an improvement of 3×-6× for numerical attributes and 2.7× for categorical attributes. Compared to state-of-the-art scan accelera- tors such as Column Imprints and BitWeaving, Column Sketches perform 1.4 - 4.8× better.

S. Idreos, K. Zoumpatianos, B. Hentschel, M. S. Kester, and D. Guo, “The Data Calculator: Data Structure Design and Cost Synthesis From First Principles, and Learned Cost Models,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data , 2018.Abstract

Data structures are critical in any data-driven scenario, but they are notoriously hard to design due to a massive design space and the dependence of performance on workload and hardware which evolve continuously. We present a design engine, the Data Calculator, which enables interactive and semi-automated design of data structures. It brings two innovations. First, it offers a set of fine-grained design primitives that capture the first principles of data layout design: how data structure nodes lay data out, and how they are positioned relative to each other. This allows for a structured description of the universe of possible data structure designs that can be synthesized as combinations of those primitives. The second innovation is computation of performance using learned cost models. These models are trained on diverse hardware and data profiles and capture the cost properties of fundamental data access primitives (e.g., random access). With these models, we synthesize the performance cost of complex operations on arbitrary data structure designs without having to: 1) implement the data structure, 2) run the workload, or even 3) access the target hardware. We demonstrate that the Data Calculator can assist data structure designers and researchers by accurately answering rich what-if design questions on the order of a few seconds or minutes, i.e., computing how the performance (response time) of a given data structure design is impacted by variations in the: 1) design, 2) hardware, 3) data, and 4) query workloads. This makes it effortless to test numerous designs and ideas before embarking on lengthy implementation, deployment, and hardware acquisition steps. We also demonstrate that the Data Calculator can synthesize entirely new designs, auto-complete partial designs, and detect suboptimal design choices.

A. Wasay, X. Wei, N. Dayan, and S. Idreos, “Data Canopy: Accelerating Exploratory Statistical Analysis,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2017.Abstract


During exploratory statistical analysis, data scientists repeatedly compute statistics on data sets to infer knowledge. Moreover, statistics form the building blocks of core machine learning classification and filtering algorithms. Modern data systems, software libraries, and domain-specific tools provide support to compute statistics but lack a cohesive framework for storing, organizing, and reusing them. This creates a significant problem for exploratory statistical analysis as data grows: Despite existing overlap in exploratory workloads (which are repetitive in nature), statistics are always computed from scratch. This leads to repeated data movement and recomputation, hindering interactive data exploration.

We address this challenge in Data Canopy, where descriptive and dependence statistics are synthesized from a library of basic aggregates. These basic aggregates are stored within an in-memory data structure, and are reused for overlapping data parts and for various statistical measures. What this means for exploratory statistical analysis is that repeated requests to compute different statistics do not trigger a full pass over the data. We discuss in detail the basic design elements in Data Canopy, which address multiple challenges: (1) How to decompose statistics into basic aggregates for maximal reuse? (2) How to represent, store, maintain, and access these basic aggregates? (3) Under different scenarios, which basic aggregates to maintain? (4) How to tune Data Canopy in a hardware conscious way for maximum performance and how to maintain good performance as data grows and memory pressure increases?

We demonstrate experimentally that Data Canopy results in an average speed-up of at least 10× after just 100 exploratory queries when compared with state-of-the-art systems used for exploratory statistical analysis. 


N. Dayan, M. Athanassoulis, and S. Idreos, “Monkey: Optimal Navigable Key-Value Store,” in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2017.Abstract


In this paper, we show that key-value stores backed by an LSM-tree exhibit an intrinsic trade-off between lookup cost, update cost, and main memory footprint, yet all existing designs expose a suboptimal and difficult to tune trade-off among these metrics. We pinpoint the problem to the fact that all modern key-value stores suboptimally co-tune the merge policy, the buffer size, and the Bloom filters’ false positive rates in each level.

We present Monkey, an LSM-based key-value store that strikes the optimal balance between the costs of updates and lookups with any given main memory budget. The insight is that worst-case lookup cost is proportional to the sum of the false positive rates of the Bloom filters across all levels of the LSM-tree. Contrary to state-of-the-art key-value stores that assign a fixed number of bits-per-element to all Bloom filters, Monkey allocates memory to filters across different levels so as to minimize this sum. We show analytically that Monkey reduces the asymptotic complexity of the worst-case lookup I/O cost, and we verify empirically using an implementation on top of LevelDB that Monkey reduces lookup latency by an increasing margin as the data volume grows (50% − 80% for the data sizes we experimented with). Furthermore, we map the LSM-tree design space onto a closed-form model that enables co-tuning the merge policy, the buffer size and the filters’ false positive rates to trade among lookup cost, update cost and/or main memory, depending on the workload (proportion of lookups and updates), the dataset (number and size of entries), and the underlying hardware (main memory available, disk vs. flash). We show how to use this model to answer what-if design questions about how changes in environmental parameters impact performance and how to adapt the various LSM-tree design elements accordingly. 


