Publications by Author: Oreoluwa Babarinsa

S. (L. ) Xi, O. Babarinsa, M. Athanassoulis, and S. Idreos, “Beyond the Wall: Near-Data Processing for Databases,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN), Melbourne, Australia, 2015.Abstract

The continuous growth of main memory size allows modern data systems to process entire large scale datasets in memory. The increase in memory capacity, however, is not matched by proportional decrease in memory latency, causing a mismatch for in-memory processing. As a result, data movement through the memory hierarchy is now one of the main performance bottlenecks for main memory data systems. Database systems researchers have proposed several innovative solutions to minimize data movement and to make data access patterns hardware-aware. Nevertheless, all relevant rows and columns for a given query have to be moved through the memory hierarchy; hence, movement of large data sets is on the critical path.

In this paper, we present JAFAR, a Near-Data Processing (NDP) accelerator for pushing selects down to memory in modern column-stores. JAFAR implements the select operator and allows only qualifying data to travel up the memory hierarchy. Through a detailed simulation of JAFAR hardware we show that it has the potential to provide 9x improvement for selects in column-stores. In addition, we discuss both hardware and software challenges for using NDP in database systems as well as opportunities for further NDP accelerators to boost additional relational operators. 

O. Babarinsa and S. Idreos, “JAFAR: Near-Data Processing for Databases,” in Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.Abstract

As main-memory sizes have grown, data systems have been able to process entire large-scale data-sets in memory. However, because memory speeds have been not been keeping pace with CPU speeds, the cost of moving data into CPU caches has begun to dominate certain operations within in-memory data systems. Recent advances in hardware architectures point to near memory computation capabilities becoming possible soon. This allows us to rethink how database systems process queries and how they split computation across the various computational units. In this paper, we present JAFAR, a near data processing accelerator for pushing selects down to memory. Through a detailed simulation of JAFAR hardware we show it has the potential to provide up to 900% improvement for select operations in modern column-stores.
